
trades taken in my trading carrier

How I began my journey in the markets?
It all began when I was a teenager and a friend of mine suggested we try our hand in stock markets. Not knowing what stock markets are, I was all excited that we can buy and sell companies and make money. That really amazed me. 

So I asked in a jovial manner, can we buy the TATA’s & Birla’s? He said yes. That hooked me on. My friend’s older friend suggested that we invest through him as he has a trading account and we are not allowed to open trading accounts since we were just 13-15 years old back in 90’s.  That’s how we began buying of Telco (now TataMotors), IFCI, . And then slowly moved to stocks like SPIC, LML, Castrol, Escorts, DCM, etc I choose Castrol, Escorts and DCM because we used to buy lubricants for our construction equipment’s and owned construction equipment’s that were manufactured by Escorts called Escorts JCB, and DCM because I had a car manufactures my DCM called Daewoo Motors. No research, nothing. Just dumb guessing’s and trying our luck and blindly picked based on what we owned and what we saw.  To some extent I made money and had lost as well. Later to ralised that I had no proper structure and knowledge to build a structured approach. I left the markets for a few years and came back again when derivatives were introduced back in 2000’s slowly began trading penny stocks and went broke again. came back and tried detatives and went broke again because I was trading derivatives like we trade stocks. And was trading futures with all capital I had to pay as margin thinking that i was buying stocks underline. It was later I got to know that these are derivative instrument and not actual stock, that’s how dumb mistake i made during the initial stages of my trading carrier. At that time we had Options American and Options Europe.

Later I learn, learnt and learned until I mastered a few trading and investing styles that suited me and my psychological profile.

Then I took up learning and educating myself very seriously and the quest began. I couldn’t quench my thrust for knowledge and went until I could satisfy to become a very agile trader. I thought MORE was good. But in markets it was different, it is what you know more of 1 thing than may things to achieve 1 result that is profit.


Trader & Investor

my trading & investing style

I am more of an aggressive trader and it reflective on my approach and style in which I trade.
By trade i mean the way I pick and choose companies and the positions I take.

  • Swing Positions : Trades that last from days to weeks sometimes months and adjust my trades with to minimse my risk. Hence I take Trades with in trade in order to better my P&L. I wouldn’t hesitate to take a revers position when i see the price reverse due to conditions caused by news or market sudden changes.
  • I do trade in derivatives as well

Frequently Asked Questions

Its been 20+ years since I began my journey as a trader and investor. I too had many questions for which I got answers by trial and error initially. I lost years trying answer the right questions. I share my thoughts on questions that arise as a beginner. I am sure this will help to some extent.

How do I LEARN?

First to begin with, you must have a strong reason to learn. When your reasoning is strong, your going gets easier. Market is a brutal place and will let you down quickly if you don’t build the necessary skills and a belief system too cope with it. REASIONING is very important before you even think off to learning. A strong belief system will guide you as to choose learning will be meaningful to meet your objectives.

Markets are so vast and the learning will never stop if you don’t choose your objectives that is appropriate. You will end up becoming a market encyclopedia with out practical experience you will not know what you need to know as well.

How much should i INVEST?

Its a great question to ask as the term invest need not necessarily mean money, its also time. To begin with you must invest TIME first by observing the markets and observing the markets with right knowledge so you grasps to build the necessary skills subconsciously. When it comes to capital it is advisable for a beginner too just trade by writing it down in your not book or worksheets. Later transition to actual capital with sum not more that 3 times of your monthly income when divided by your total yearly income. It is if your yearly income is Rs. 12,00,000 you should bring only Rs.3,00,000. in to the market.

The time you spend on the market if you are a business man is to delegate work to your staff and spend as much time as possible until you become a sensible trader or investor. If you have a Job, try and spend min 2 hours every day and spend your week ends wisely to learn.

So what your courses offer?

EQNOX.in has 3 courses that is meant to educate those who wish too get their feet wet first and progress to become a trader and investor later. Checkout the services page to know more about out offerings. We also have yearly memberships as well for which you get discounts on courses and webinars and recommendations services that we offer.

What if I need to cancel my booking?

No problem at all. Just drop us an email mentioning your bank details we will reverse your payment immediately. if you take the course and want to cancel. this is applicable only if within few hours.

There will be no refund if you cancel after 24 hrs after taking the services.

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